Mega Resource List for Unity 3D

2 min readMay 5, 2022

Most everything here is free, but a price is included when there is one.

I want to make a game with Unity, where do I begin?

The answer to this question is probably best broken into four parts: Intro to Game Design, Math for Games, Intro to C#, and the Unity Editor.

Here are four excellent courses that cover these subjects:

[link] CS50 Introduction to Game Development
[link] Math for Game Devs by Freya Holmer
[link] A C# Crash Course by RB Whitaker
[link] Complete C# Unity Game Developer 2D (~$20 when on a discount)

[link] For a free alternative to Complete C# Unity Game Developer 2D, consider the Junior Programmer course on Unity Learn.

How do I get better at coding? Practice.

[link] leetcode

Specific Subjects


[link] 10 Unity Audio Optimization Tips by John French
[link] Bit-depth by Robert Triggs
[link] Sample Rate by Made Indrayana
[link] Information on audio quality

Behavior Trees

[link] Behavior trees in Tom Clancy’s Division on GDC

Fixed Update

[link] Time.deltaTime in Unity 2020.2 on the blog.unity
[link] A detailed discussion on FixedUpdate

Resource Management

[link] Assets, Resources and AssetBundles on learn.unity


[link] Canva
[link] Effect Texture Maker

Global Illumination

[link] Global Illumination UVs in Unity 5


[link] A series on client-server game architecture
[link] Tom Weiland’s C# networking tutorial.
[link] Unite talk, Building a PvP focused MMO


[link] Unite 2016 — Mecanim Bonsai: Lessons from Firewatch and ReCore
[link] Five tips for keeping animator controllers nice n’ tidy
[link] Wait, I’ve changed my mind! State Machine Transition interruptions

Pathfinding and Steering

[link] Steering Behaviors For Autonomous Characters by Craig Reynolds
[link] Aron Granberg’s A* Pathfinding Project

Pixel Art

[link] Adam Younis on YouTube

Rendering Pipelines

[link] Rendering by Catlike Coding

Shader Information

[link] Basic Compute Shaders by Catlike Coding
[link] Ben Cloward on YouTube
[link] GPU Gems, e-book
[link] Inigo Quilez’s homepage
[link] Introduction to Shading
[link] Jason Booth’s Medium blog
[link] Kyle Halladay’s blog archive
[link] The Book of Shaders, e-book
[link] Books recommended by Ben Cloward
[link] The Art of Code on YouTube
[link] Creating an Interior Mapping Shader by Game Dev Guide


[link] Mirza Beig on YouTube

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